It is definitely not breaking news that people are making an effort to be more climate-conscious. More energy-efficient options have slowly crept their way into homes over time, but what does it mean to be a Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB)? At EE Windows we have always been committed to helping you make your home more energy-efficient, reducing your electricity costs and environmental impacts with stunning design and functionality. Read all about the upcoming trend of NZEB:
An NZEB is a building with zero net energy consumption and zero carbon emissions annually. This may sound ambitious, but it is becoming more frequent and approachable over time. Resources to build NZEBs are becoming increasingly more accessible with some countries enforcing guidelines for all buildings to be NZEB by a specific deadline. These deadlines have been influenced by the signing of The Paris Climate Agreement. So while Australia itself has not signed this Agreement, individual states including Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria have set themselves goals to reduce their carbon emissions.
What does all of this mean for you? It means the sooner you start preparing the better! Not only will you be doing wonders for the environment and reducing your carbon footprint but you will also dramatically reduce your long term electricity bills. When undergoing any home renovation, it is important to consider a green option as there is a possibility you may be required to upgrade to one in the future regardless.

There are many great affordable upgrades to start contributing to this positive trend even here in Australia. The most practical renewable energy source for homes at the moment are solar panels. Keeping your energy usage low can be assisted with power-saving technologies like low flow showerheads and LED light bulbs. If you are building or fully renovating your home consider double glazed windows and properly insulating your space to help you to best control your home’s temperature with low to no use of a traditional air conditioning and heating system.
At EE Windows, green home solutions have always been our forte. We love to help you to make your home more stylish, comfortable and energy-efficient. If you are looking at building your new home with more energy-efficient features or are looking to renovate and be more conscious, the team at EE Windows can help you to find the perfect windows for your space. Contact us today.