How’s the serenity? Unlike The Castle’s Darryl Kerrigan, not all of us are content with the sound of an aeroplane flying over our home at regular intervals. Unfortunately, many of us have found ourselves in that very situation. In fact, some of Brisbane’s inner south-east residents have considered moving house to avoid aircraft noise since the opening of the parallel airport runway in July.
Loud noises are a common issue for the typical suburban home. Whether it be aircraft, a loud pool pump or your neighbour’s lawn mower, noise can interfere with the peaceful feeling you want your house to emulate. It can result in lost sleep or interrupt conversations, which can cause stress and irritability. Read on for our tips on how to reduce noise in your home.

Installing double glazed windows is a simple way to reduce noise in your home. As mentioned on the Australian Government ‘Your Home’ website, double glazed windows can reduce voice noises by up to 46 percent, and can reduce traffic sounds by up to 57 percent. They also offer thermal insulation, making double glazed windows a great choice for environmentally conscious consumers. EE Windows provides a comprehensive range of single, double and triple glazed windows depending on your needs. Head here for more information on the benefits of double glazed windows.

A little bit of home maintenance can result in measurable noise reduction for your home. Sealing off your windows and doors blocks out unwanted insects while keeping the noise out as well. Head to your local hardware store and ask for a silicone sealant to fill gaps and repair any cracks in your windows and doors. While keeping the noise out, your home will stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter, reducing your electricity bill.
Curtains and blinds aren’t just handy for those weekend sleep-ins. They’re also an excellent tool for absorbing sound reverberation in your home. Plus, they’re perfect for keeping the heat out during summer and in during winter. Even better, if you’re looking to freshen up your space, adding curtains is an easy and fun way to do this.
So, next time you ask yourself “how’s the serenity” in your home, if you don’t like the answer, maybe consider a few of our tips to reduce noise around the house.