It’s that time of year again. Brisbane’s scorching summer is right around the corner. It won’t be long until the blissful moderate temperatures and the slight breeze of spring make way for 30 degrees (plus) temperatures, sleepless nights and weekends on the couch trying to get comfortable under multiple fans and air conditioners.
But apart from adding to your skyrocketing electricity bill with yet another cooling device, is there a better way to reduce the heat in summer? The answer is yes: with double glazed windows!
You read that correctly. Double glazing isn’t just for keeping the warmth in during winter. A feature of double glazing, often less touted than others, is that it can help maintain cooler temperatures throughout your home, office and other buildings during summer. In fact, double glazed windows are four times more energy efficient than single pane glass windows. So if you’re looking to reduce your electricity bill year-round, double glazed windows are worth the investment.

How does double glazing keep heat out?
Double glazed windows keep the heat out through the use of their incredible design. Quite simply, the design of double glazed windows creates an insulated break between the outside and inside, keeping the heat out during summer.
While traditional windows are made from a single sheet of glass, double glazed windows consist of two sheets of glass separated by a spacer bar. This gap creates the insulation break between the inside and out. This gap limits the amount of heat which can transfer from one side of the window to the other, slowing down the heat and meaning less heat from outside makes it through to the inside of your home. With double glazed windows, sticking to the couch during summer will be a distant memory!

Can I make my windows even more efficient?
Many people assume that once they have decided to build with, or transition to, double glazed windows, there is nothing else to consider in terms of energy efficiency. However, this is not true. You can increase the energy efficiency of your windows and decrease your electricity bills even further with one simple change – the type of material used to frame your window.
Typically window frames are made from aluminium, uPVC or timber. While each has unique properties, there is one material which stands far above the others- uPVC. uPVC window frames can last upwards of 25 years, and will not warp or crack under the summer’s heat. With very little maintenance they won’t rust or corrode. And most importantly, uPVC window frames provide the best insulation for Australian homes in comparison to their timber and aluminium counterparts. While aluminium window frames are cheaper in the short term, uPVC window frames will save you money on your electricity bill far into the future. And the best news? When uPVC frames are paired with double glazed windows, you’ll benefit from two of the most energy-efficient products on the market!
Are you convinced double glazed windows, paired with uPVC frames are the best option for your home? Contact EE Windows today to enjoy all the benefits of uPVC double glazed windows!