Window Placement in Interior Design

When it comes to the interior design of your home, windows have a big influence as they dictate the amount of light in a space, create natural focal points in a room and set the tone of a space with the view they provide. There are so many handy tips and tricks you can use when […]
What is uPVC and why is it used for doors and windows?

So you may have heard of PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, a very common, pliable type of plastic found in everything from cable insulation to clothes. But have you met PVC’s rigid and durable counterpart, uPVC? Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride is much harder than PVC, making it the perfect material for the construction industry. In fact, uPVC […]
Our work – 9-meter lift and slide door

Imagine the fantastic views you’ll get with this 9-metre long lift-and-slide door we recently installed in a home in Canberra. Working alongside Better Building Services, a multi-award winning home-building company that specialises in custom-built homes, we were able to successfully install this unique addition to this home. With over two decades of experience building distinctive designer […]
Designing Ultra Energy Efficient Homes in Australia

Designing ultra energy efficient homes in Australia is something that EE Windows takes very seriously. Paul Gerrard (CEO), was astounded when he first moved to Australia, noticing how little thought when into the energy efficiency rating for local homes. Having lived in Europe, it was clear that Australia was playing catch up and something needed […]
The best windows for noise reduction

Homes should be peaceful and quiet from the outside world. It’s easy to shut a door to stop wind or to close the curtains to eliminate light, but it’s not quite that simple when it comes to noise. In general, the majority of sound enters through windows, being that a windowpane is usually 3mm thick. […]
Sustainable Home Features Everyone Can Afford

Deciding to reduce your eco-footprint and bring your home into the 21st century is a noble cause to help save mother earth, and reduce your spending over the time that you reside in the property, but what exactly are ‘sustainable features’? Sustainable features Over time, sustainable building design has evolved, and so has the definition. […]
Luxury Eco-friendly homes design ‘must-have’ features

If you’re looking for some inspiration to build your dream home, but you want to incorporate some sustainable features that are right at home on luxury builds, EE Windows has compiled a must-have eco-friendly features list! It’s almost every day that we hear about how climate change is affecting the earth. The lack of unsustainable […]
Australia’s most innovative building developments

Innovation has long been at the forefront of design, especially in forward-thinking Brisbane. So how well does Brisbane stack up against the rest of Australia, and the world, in terms of innovative building developments and designs? For a building to even be considered innovative these days, it almost needs to have a net-zero rating. This […]
4 solar-powered buildings that changed architecture forever

As suppliers of energy efficient window and door solutions, we at EE Windows take great satisfaction in helping to realise visions of sustainable architecture. We are constantly inspired by the incredible advancements in sustainable building design from around the world that become front page news. Forrest Gump called it “some kind of fruit company”, but when I flew […]
The fundamental principles of sustainable building construction

With the concept of “green construction” only being a fairly recent movement in the construction industry, it’s not surprising that many existing buildings in Australia are utilising a far higher volume of resources than they strictly need to. This consumption of resources generates construction and occupancy waste, which in turn releases atmospheric emissions. Building owners […]